Lose Vs Loose – How To Properly Use

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Using lose vs loose is one of the most common writing errors. You may not have noticed, but there’s a subtle difference between the way we use lose and loose in English grammar. Some people mistakenly believe that these two words mean the same thing, but if you use them interchangeably, you could end up … Read more

Lose Vs Loose – Practice Quiz

lose vs loose practice quiz featured image

This lose vs loose practice quiz is a great way to clear the confusion between using the two words correctly. Relevant Post: Lose Vs Loose – How To Properly UseDifficulty Level: Easy – Normal – DifficultInstructions: Choose the correct word.Passing Marks: 50% Average Score: Passed users count: Failed users count: Share

Who Vs Whom – Practice Quiz

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This who vs whom practice quiz is a great way to clear the confusion between using the two words correctly. Relevant Post: Who vs Whom: The Difference Explained with ExamplesDifficulty Level: Easy – Normal – DifficultInstructions: Choose the correct word.Passing Marks: 50% Average Score: Passed users count: Failed users count: Share

Who Vs Whom: The Difference Explained With Examples

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Who and whom are two of the most commonly confused pronouns in English grammar. Since they look and sound so similar, people often mistakenly use them interchangeably, but that’s not correct usage at all! Here’s what you need to know about the correct use of who vs whom, why it matters and how to fix … Read more